Evening Classes_Anatomy_20171226_t04w11 January 2, 2018Past couple weeks we been working on the arms and hands, plus a few session to refine the skeleton, as we will start adding muscles next trimester. I had to...
Evening Classes_Anatomy_20171125_t04w08 November 26, 2017 We've been working on the feet, clavicle and the scapula. The feet: The tarsus( base of foot), metatarsals(base of toes) and the phalanges(the toes). Tarsus - one long rectangular cuboid...
Evening Classes_Anatomy_20171113_t04w06 November 13, 2017Rib cage:(major form of it is currently wrong need to take sone time to fix it.) Manubrium connects 1st and 2nd ribs, Sternum connects the costal cartilage from 2nd to...
Evening Classes_Anatomy_20170604_t03w08 June 4, 2017 I don't know why I have been forgetting to take pictures of my anatomy drawings. I am missing my hand and head homework here. Should remember next time! This week...
Evening Classes_Anatomy_20170522_t03w06 May 22, 2017Muscles on the lower arm (bones: Ulna and radius, inserts on hand ) extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus, flexor carpi radialis,...