Life Drawing_Short Poses_20171226_t04w11 January 2, 2018 Blocking in, focus on proportions, keeping lines and angle breaks as simple as possible, yet describing forms. The second from the left was one example that did well in this...
Life Drawing_Short Poses_20171125_t04w08 November 26, 2017 Been feeling the need of doing more drawings, in the model room in the evening is mostly getting the proportions right, then thinking about the contour, using simple lines to...
Life Drawing_Short Poses_20171113_t04w06 November 13, 2017During one of the session, M showed me something quite different. It really clicked at the moment, but I have since forgotten what exactly it was. We were talking about...
Life Drawing_Short Poses_20171014_t04w02 October 15, 2017 First day back, immediately into figure drawing. I have been anxious about going back to school for the whole of September. To be honest, I feel like I am doing...
Life Drawing_Short Poses_20170624_t03w11 October 8, 2017 From envelope to block in to good simple angle breaks and line qualities, all these things should be kept in mind while drawing, besides the proportions... a fun pose to...
Life Drawing_Short Poses_20170604_t03w08 June 4, 2017 Keep getting profile view these 2 weeks. Interesting and great for study purpose when we have low body fat model comes in, you see all the bony landmarks and...