First week of trimester is always short poses, so I have a few short poses in this review post. I think I am generally doing better than I was from the first trimester. The contour design is more well thought of and useful overlaps are being discovered. I can't say much on my accuracy though, I must say it has not been my number 1 concern this past 2 weeks, I am sure I will have to revisit this issue soon, possibly using the mirror to check more often, as a few clever school mates mentioned today.
Sorry I have been forgetting to take the picture of the block in stages for comparison, here is at least one...
no details, no details, block in only during short pose sessions. I think I am starting to really see the importance of this practice. The more I think about painting the more I think I need to be fast and accurate. Sure we can do transfer drawing, but paint will be pushed and mixed, and most likely wont leave much solid lines for you to refer to in the process of painting. Our focus on practicing getting proportion right is like the secret to mastering kungfu; by keeping the lines simple, we quickly put down and redraw all the time, aiming for the correct proportions. We do it again and again until it is perfect. Not being too specific what perfect means though, here may be a topic to go with a drink ; )