At the end of week 04 we took the opportunity presented by the local area's event, Kvarnbydagen, Kvarnby day, and we had kind of an exhibition in our schools' office. Unfortunately my temp job that day was too busy so didn't make it back school to hang around. Don't have a picture of them hanging in the school gallery, but here they are (half of tehm) with brand new mat boards!
For the past couple Friday lectures we also learned a lot about classical realist painter R. H. Ives Gammell, our realist style's forefather, and his harsh opinion/ encounter in life with modern art. Some short but interesting comparison with 2 must-know artist Ingres and Gerome also in the reading material written by Prof. Gerald Ackerman (link to books he contributed). These old masters' work were definitely shown to me at a young age, I know I've seem them but did not remember clearly. Might have been the old (now abandoned) world history text books back in high school. It could also have been from National Geographic Magazine though. I can't be sure, but since works of both James Gurney and Hongnian Zhang have been in National Geographic mag that I only realized recently, I can definitely say these are the people that sparked my interest in painting early on.
Short pose