

So the final status of trimester 02! 
During the last week all students need to put up their work for a review and get a final critique. Below is a good overview of all the drawings I did during this trimester, the past 10 weeks.(except the 2 longposes)
Bargue/ portraits/ cast/ master copy
One very important thing was pointed out to me at my final critique. Seeing there are differences between my school projects and drawings outside of school hours(portraits), the next step to grow and own what I learned is to incorporate the methods I learned at school to the work I do on my own.
final critique day_overview of work 01
life drawings short poses 
final critique day_overview of work 02 life drawings
final critique day_overview of work 03 life drawings
anatomy studies
final critique day_overview of work 04 anatomy
longpose04_life drawing step by step thumb  Long Pose 04
cast 01_final stage Cast 01
 FAA school trip to Stockholm School trip to Stockholm

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