Evening Classes_Studies_20180217_t05w06

Evening Classes_Studies_20180217_t05w06

 Drawn in quickly the outline to get a feeling of the proportion. Didn't want to do a grisaille, since I want to go straight to color. It might have been a good study to do a grisaille first.

master copy under painting

Slowly adjusting values and colors. Fixing the drawing bit by bit but aiming to turn the head/cheek form first before adding the details of the features.

master copy John Singer Sargent progression step 2-4

Lucky to get some extra studio time, was not managing the value on the cheek on the right side. Also added Ultramarine Blue to get the blue in the eyes and the green in the background. This was recommended since I was doing a master copy of the color, value and drawing. Rather than trying to get the impression with a limited palette, struggling with none matching hues. It will make a study too complicated.

Before and after adding of Ultramarine Blue. Also added more chromatic red and orange.

before after Ultramarine Blue


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