Tonal studies of Bouguereau's Laurore(Dawn), First separated in 3 values(right), then did another(left) to see what the difference would be with 4 values.
One observation study with a small rock (upper). I tried different grouping of the light and shadow shape, it's very interesting to do experiments like this. Then I focused on the details around the shadow line. Later added in more details in the halftone and light areas.
Another practice is study the turning form on a face, in this case, my face. Setting up took some figuring out, the first one I ended up standing way too close(top), but was then able to get it close to life sized putting the easel further behind the mirror. Then talked to Z and pointed out an important information to me, that our reflection stays the same size even when we move back in space. I should know that, we learned this in physics class... anyway, thanks to Z for pointing that out. I was scratching my head wondering why it wont get bigger when I move back. Imagine that scenario... sigh, there are times like this when I'm not sure if my brain is functioning properly. ><
So did another one with a little more distance from the mirror, still difficult to interpret the turning form. Observe, observe and observe.